
5 October 2016

The Intimidation of Knitted Socks

.As a child I vaguely remember my Nanna knitting socks on double pointed needles.. I think, My memories may have been cast by Dad reminiscing recently about the socks she used to knit for his older brothers when they were both in the Navy.

Socks were never on my list of things to learn and I think that is because every single pattern or picture I have seen of hand knitted sock had those 3 double pointed needles attached to them and quite frankly they looked intimidating and hard.  I don't do hard.

Bear in mind, that until about 3 months ago my knitting skills consisted of knit and purl stitches and my idea of fancy was a moss stitch scarf.

A few weeks ago I saw an amazing pair of socks knitted by Tammy from Canadutch.  The Skew Socks are just amazing and caught my eye because they are different, they are so cool and SO out of my comfort zone. I commented on Tammy's Facebook post that I would perhaps one day try to knit socks.

Now I should know not to say I might try something to Tammy.  BOOM she came back at me with "Yes, you will! Honestly, have I lead you astray yet? "  Umm no, no she hasnt. This is the woman who talked me into coming over to the dark side and to put my crochet down and take up the knitting needles again. The same woman who told me that I could knit a Winterlight Shawl (that blog post is coming).  She then linked me to tutorials and patterns and the advice to not let socks intimidate me because they are honestly easier than they look.  Really?  Seriously?

Introducing Staci Perry of and her Learn to Knit Socks video tutorial and (paid) pattern.  But wait? No double pointed needles?  Was this woman insane?  Oh be still my cold feet, circular needles and some trickery called the Magic Loop using circular needles!

I know there's something just not right about that first attempt.  It may have been that in my excitement to perform magic I mistook the US size 5 needle for a 5.00mm?  It may be that I can't sew to save my life and Kitchener Stitch to sew the toe was never going to be a pleasant experience. Possibly the knit a full row between the toe decrease rows was forgotten.  I'm pretty sure that any self respecting Hobbit minus a foot would love this sock!  Oh well Onto the next attempt, I don't give up easily.

Ok so that's a wee bit better.  At this point I realised the mistake in needle size, still too big, but this pair fit!  Really fit!  But there was that damned Kitchener Stitch again and by this time I realised that we are never ever going to get along. Only one thing to do and that is eradicate Kitchener Stitch and go Toe Up!  Staci was about to teach me  how to knit socks from the Toes up.

Right size needles.. right size yarn.. all the right stitches in the right sequence.. I HAVE A SOCK!

I have TWO socks.. A PAIR of socks!

There is absolutely nothing intimidating about knitting socks!  If you aren't familiar with the Magic Loop method I highly recommend learning this technique as it has so many uses in knitting from socks, scarves, cowls etc.  Staci's patterns and tutorials made this so easy and I do recommend them to total beginners.

I am now confidently looking at sock patterns.  I have joked with girlfriends that I will never ever wear a pair of shop bought socks again.  Well I wont once I've knitted enough pairs to dispose of those that I own.

Next stop.. two at a time socks!

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