
23 September 2016

Relaunch in 3, 2, ...

Where has the time gone since I last posted?

I can't believe it's been a year since I made that Sunday Shawl and oh the accomplishments I've made since then, the failures, the learning, the improved skills, and the self confidence I have achieved through it all. 

So a brief run down of what I've been up to and where I'm going.

At the time of my last post I was still greiving for my Mum or trying NOT to grieve by being busy and avoiding the emotional rollercoaster that the preceeding year had thrown me into.  I don't think I've properly grieved still, not in the 'traditional' sense that most people see grief as.  What I have done is taken my crafts to a newer and higher level.  I mentioned before that Mum loved my crafts but was frustrated at my inability to finish things.. Oh the things I have finished.  

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would crochet doilies and knit socks!!! I can almost hear Mum laughing at the thought of it all.  But I have done both those things! 

Back in March of this year I took part in the Scheepjes Last Dance On the Beach Crochet Along.  It was my  tribute to Wink of A Creative Being.  I discovered her blog not long after Mum passed and that beautiful girl, her love of colour and brilliant designs helped keep me sane.  I learnt from her and then she was gone too.  I wanted to continue to learn.

A whole new world opened with that project.  A world of insanely talented women within the dedicated Facebook Group  who were so willing to share their craft, encourage and inspire. I've made some lovely online friends through that group, women who get me because they get the passion I have for crafting. Unfortunately a shoulder injury has prevented me from completing that project YET.  It will be done as soon as I can crochet for more than a minute at a time. 

Then there were the Scheepjes Bloggers! Good Grief, has there ever been such a beautiful bunch of talented women who were so willing to help and encourage.  They spent hours commenting on posts, encouraging those of us having difficulty, having a laugh and generally making you realise that they were just like you!  They were all still learning their craft, trying new ones, they are ordinary women living ordinary lives with a passion for sharing, learning and teaching. 

And this is where the new found passion for knitting comes in.  When you have the likes of  Tammy Canavan-Soldaat from Canadutch, Sarah Knight from Crafts from the Cwtch and Nerissa Muijs of Miss Neriss literally at your fingertips you learn from them, you listen, you take their advice and you pick up the needles again and you try.  These stunningly talented women have encouraged and inspired me in so many ways! Thanks to Tammy I can knit with beads and knit socks, I can also stalk glass knitting sculpturers!  Sarah has encouraged me to try new things and I've watched her thrill at her very first crochet design after being a knitting designer for many years.  Nerissa has shown me the way to the delights of Indie Dyers and their yarns.  My first ever crocheted garment was Nerissa's Peek A Boo Button Wrap

Then there's Instagram.  The world of talent you can find there!  I was encouraged to set up my own instagram account and showcase my work.  I've quite enjoyed Instagram, the challenge in getting worthy photos, seeing what people respond to and the interaction with other users. 

So here I am again, with the promise to myself to blog regularly, I'm hoping to showcase designers, dyers and take you on my own creative adventure.  I take inspiration every day from amazing women with amazing blogs, you can find some of them listed in the side panel of this page, so treat yourself, grab a cuppa and go have a good read.  You can also pop over to my Instagram account to see what I've been up to in the past few months.

If I'm not back within the week, come find me!

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to come share in mine

Amanda xxx


  1. What a lovely post and such very kind words - thank you so much, I'm honoured to be spoken of so highly and included in your sidebar. My top tips for keeping up with blogging - (1) take lots of photos in good light, that way you'll always have something to write about, and (2) keep a list of any ideas you have about anything (even if they are not fully formed ideas) and schedule some regular things every week/month. I used to do WIP Wed and FO Friday which meant I always has a weekly structure of at least two posts. These days I can't show many of my WIPs and FOs as they are usually commissioned designs or using yarns that aren't available yet, so I have to post other things, but being in the habit of regular posting makes it much easier. xx

    1. Thanks so much for that advice Sarah! And thanks for all of your support and encouragment, it's always a total pleasure to read your blogs and interact with you through the various social medias xxx


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